For those of us working in the IT industry, we should be well aware of the many benefits that open source software provides.
Open Source is in Danger as a Result Of Complacency, Plain Stupidity and Greed
· 4 min read
For those of us working in the IT industry, we should be well aware of the many benefits that open source software provides.
The annual StackOverflow Developer Surveyis a great way to check the current adoption of different technologies out there. This is a survey which is filled out by aspiring and professional engineers, voting on the technologies they use, or those they are most interested in. Let's take a look at how FerretDB's plans align with the latest trends!
In this recent TheRegister Article, there is an interview with MongoDB's CTO, Mark Porter, where the level of compatibility between MongoDB and DocumentDB is discussed.
Earlier this week, we unveiled our vision for MangoDB, the Truly Open Source MongoDB Replacement, which allows developers to use the powerful MongoDB interface while storing data in PostgreSQL.